Project Code Care intends to reduce the backlog of surgeries through the engagement of specialist nurses and support staff in the form of nursing missions to support the nursing cadre on short-term engagements of seven or 14 days.
Nursing missions will be engaged utilising contacts within the Diaspora and other friendly support personnel. This expansion of the number of surgical teams through the Project CODE CARE programme will allow at least 2,000 additional surgeries in health facilities.
A total of 10 nurses per week will be targeted under project CODE CARE for 400 nurses during the 12 months intervention. Nurses will be targeted from The United States of America; Canada; The United Kingdom where there is a strong Diaspora presence.
Operating Theatre nurses and Post-Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) nurses / Recovery Room Nurses are the types of healthcare professionals who are being targeted.
View Project Code Care FAQ Leaflet