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COVID-19 Workplace Protocols

In response to COVID-19, countries across the globe (including Jamaica) have implemented a range of public health and social measures, including movement restrictions, partial closure or closure of schools and businesses, quarantine in specific geographic areas and international travel restrictions. As the local epidemiology of the disease changes, the measures identified may be loosened or reinstated as deemed necessary. As transmission intensity declines, some countries will begin to gradually re-open workplaces to maintain economic activity. This requires establishing protective measures, including directives and capacity to promote and enable standard COVID-19 prevention in terms of physical distancing, hand washing, respiratory etiquette as well as monitoring compliance with these measures.

Careful planning is therefore required to reopen businesses and relevant public facilities. This includes the identification of risks, and the introduction of all measures necessary to mitigate the ill-effects of poorly phased or complete opening.

Every Jamaican (including citizen, employees, and employers) will therefore be called upon to do their part to slow the spread of the virus through social distancing and infection prevention and control practices, as well as the proper wearing of face masks or face coverings. Strict adherence to these measures will contribute to the safety of communities, allowing for the reopening.


DOWNLOAD FULL COVID-19 WORKPLACE PROTOCOL: WORKPLACE PROTOCOL- GeneralRequirements for the Reopening of Establishment_May 29, 2020